What is Grass-Finished Beef?

What is the difference between grain-finished beef and grass-finished beef?  All beef cattle are raised on grass throughout the summer and dried bales of grass or alfalfa throughout the winter.  So why is our grass-finished beef different?  It is in the finishing of our steers as they are prepared for butcher. 

Most meat you eat in a restaurant or find on the shelves of your grocery store is grass-fed and grain-finished.  This means they eat grass the majority of their lives then for the last 2-3 months before butcher a steer has grain added to their diet to help them gain weight and fat more quickly.  

The difference with Grassy Flat Ranch meat is that we grass-finish our animals.  Our animals eat grass their entire lives all the way through finishing.  Because of this our animals take longer to raise to butcher weight, but to us it is worth the extra time and effort to be able to offer a leaner meat option to our custumers. 

Grassy Flat Ranch cattle are born and raised in the high mountains deserts of Southern Utah, USA.  We take pride in the fact that each cut of meat can be traced back to one steer born and raised on our ranch.  Our meat has no added hormones or antibiotics.  Grassy Flat Ranch beef has a uniquely delicious flavor you will love. 

Beef is one of the most nutrient-dense proteins you can buy.  Grassy Flat Ranch meat runs about 90% lean, this means that you are getting 90% pure protein. Our meat has an extensive micro nutrient profile and contains brain-boosting omega-3 fatty acids.  We are proud to offer a delicious, quality product that you can feel good about feeding yourself and your loved ones.

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